Saturday 20 April 2013

Hello Summer Term!

This week saw us return to weekly meetings. Senior Section on Monday and Guides on Thursday. A nice gentle, easing back in week with both units playing games. The S/S girls had a choice of board games to play and had a nice casual catch up evening. The Guides played a variety of games including bench ball, running games and a little bit of improvised acting with a variety of props - needless to say there were some interesting skits with relay batons, high vis vests and cones . . . .

We also saw three new Guides join our unit, three new characters to add to the group, let hope they enjoy themselves and are happy with us :)

Term plans are coming together nicely, with the Guide one nearly being complete, and what a fantastic term they've got. Lots of activities outdoors in the sunshine hopefully :)

In reference to my previous articles about upcycling, sustainability etc; while I was working at my internship this week, I wrote an article on how the Government are planning to cut environmental education from the National Curriculum for children aged 5-14 years. This made me really quite angry. . . How are children supposed to learn to respect the environment, to look after it and care for it for future generations if they aren't taught about it at School. It was very impressive to see that 65,000 people had signed a couple of petitions to try and stop this happening. It would be such a huge mistake, because as cliche as it sounds, young children today will carve the future and teach other generations how to be sustainable and so on . . . too important to cut in my eyes. 


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